Are Glass Shower Doors a Good Idea?

Learn about the benefits & advantages of installing glass shower doors in your bathroom. Find out why frameless glass is more modern & elegant than curtains.

Are Glass Shower Doors a Good Idea?

Framed glass doors are cleaner and nicer than shower curtains, and framed shower doors have seals to help keep water out. However, frameless doors don't have seals, so there's no risk of moisture causing mold growth. Plus, with no metal frame or hardware, there's less chance of corrosion and the need for replacement. Glass also has the advantage of allowing more light to pass through a poorly lit bathroom area, and it gives the illusion of a larger space than a patterned shower curtain.

Frameless glass has a modern and elegant appeal that can't be matched by curtains. This gives you more freedom when designing your bathroom, as frameless doors can be sized to suit your needs. Plus, without frames or other metal parts blocking the view, frameless shower doors allow an uninterrupted view around the room. Nowadays there are more options than ever when it comes to selecting the right shower cabin.

You can choose from a wide range of sizes, colors, glass options and details to match any style and decor. To keep your shower clean and free from mold, make sure to clean the brush after every use and hang an old t-shirt over the door to clean the handle and accessories. If you're on a budget, shower curtains are much cheaper than glass shower doors. Folding doors are perfect for tight spaces, while mirror panels can make small bathrooms appear larger.

When you install a tempered glass shower door, you get many years of worry-free durability. Plus, they protect the glass from breaking and provide a seal that retains water inside. Frameless shower doors are also easier to clean than framed doors, and they reduce the risk of mold growing in the shower. Installing them is a longer process than prefabricated showers, but it's worth it for the look and durability they provide. Glass has a way of illuminating rooms, making it an ideal choice for bathrooms.

Nicolás Harris
Nicolás Harris

Alcohol scholar. Zombie specialist. Hardcore web ninja. Wannabe beer fanatic. Hardcore web trailblazer.