What are the Drain Holes at the Bottom of a Shower Door For?

Learn about drain holes at the bottom of a shower door, why they are needed, and how to prevent water leaks.

What are the Drain Holes at the Bottom of a Shower Door For?

Have you ever noticed those small holes at the bottom of a shower door? Yes, those are what we call “drain holes”. They are essential for allowing water to leave the frame and enter the shower. To prevent mold growth on the frame, it is recommended to sprinkle a bleach solution into the holes from time to time. Additionally, a seal is placed between the two panes of glass to act as a barrier and return water to the shower instead of letting it escape.

Cleaning up after taking a shower is probably not something you look forward to doing in the morning or at night. Over time, shower door parts can wear out and cause water leaks that weren't present before. To repair the leak, you must first identify where it is coming from and what type of shower cabin you have. Start by turning on the shower water and watching from the outside to see where the water starts to appear.

In a framed shower door, if the leak originates near the bottom of the door, it's likely due to clogged drain holes. The type of shower you have will often determine where the water leaks through and how to fix it. If your shower door doesn't have a frame, inspect the sweep that runs along the bottom of the door. It is best to check for water leaks after installing a new shower door and periodically throughout its lifespan.

Water leaks on the shower door don't always cause large pools of water on the bathroom floor after opening it. However, it is important to be aware of these potential issues and take preventive measures.

Nicolás Harris
Nicolás Harris

Alcohol scholar. Zombie specialist. Hardcore web ninja. Wannabe beer fanatic. Hardcore web trailblazer.